Label Embossing: Discover the ’emboss with flexo’ secret

Written by Craig Alderson

Worked in print since 1998 as an apprentice, now joint owner of MPH Limited, the prepress experts. Motivated and focused on working with partners in many different markets throughout the packaging and electronics industries.

Dec 15, 2022

The ability to provide label embossing enables the possibility to expand into new markets. Unfortunately expensive metal dies and the special equipment required means that initial costs can be a prohibitive factor for many printers and their customers.

The good news is that there is an effective method of label embossing, without the need for dies and special stations with their associated costs.


Enter photopolymer label embossing plates

Supplied as a male and female set, this effective embossing solution offers a realistic and cost effective alternative to expensive metal dies.

MPH Limited supplies a specially hardened emboss plate that will locate on a roller under the web within your flexo line, often on a cutting station. The embossed image then pushes up and into the web, called a ‘male’ plate. A second ‘female’ plate with the emboss image reversed out as a negative of the male plate, is located on a print roller within the flexo unit. The web then passes through this interlocking set of label emboss plates.


A trial will determine what photopolymer label embossing can do for your business. MPH Limited will guide you every step of the way, providing with all the information needed to run your own embossed labels.

Contact us using the form below.


A label embossed with MPH Limited supplied photopolymer label embossing plates

Further reading